Olive Wood Rosary Made in Bethlehem


DescriptionAn outstanding confirmation gift, First Communion gift, or Catholic gift for anyone on your list, this Olivewood rosary only gets better with age. The wood of the olive tree feels smooth and warm, and using this rosary as an aid to prayer and meditation is a very nice way to enhance your daily spiritual practice. If you are not familiar with the history of the Rosary, here is a condensed version: The rosary beads many people use today to keep track of their prayers date back to the ninth century, when monks worshipped daily by chanting the 150 Psalms of the Bible. People living nearby loved listening to the monks, and felt called to worship with them. As memorizing the psalms was difficult for some, and keeping track was nearly impossible, the monks suggested that people simply substitute the Our Father or another prayer for the psalms. Today, Angelic Salutations, the Hail Mary, and many other prayers are said with the aid of this simple yet beautiful tool. Many who pray with the aid of the Rosary see miracles in their lives. Whether this is a gift for you or for someone else, these wooden rosary beads are sure to be greatly appreciated. Length: 35” / 89cm


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