Holyland-Gifts is dedicated to supporting Christians in the Holy Land. Olivewood and Mother of Pearl gifts are handcrafted by a co-op of ten Christian families living in Bethlehem, West Bank - Israel. Importation of these unique, handcrafted gift items from Bethlehem to Missouri accounted for more than 95% of the income provided to these Christian craftsmen and their families from 2001-2013.
Located in the Middle East, the Holy Land is known for its religious and spiritual connections to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Every year, the unique and sacred place is visited by millions of people in order to experience these spiritual and biblical connections. People who travel to the Holy Land typically visit three main locations: Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem to fulfill their religious purposes. These Holy cities are popular for meaningful gifts and unique souvenirs from the Holy Land.
Mentioned as a special place in the old and new testaments, Jerusalem and Bethlehem are known for their olive trees and their contribution to religious and spiritual gift items. That is why the Holy Land has turned into a place where religious items made from olive wood are highly popular throughout the world. In the Holy Land you can get Christian and Catholic religious items such as Christmas ornaments, nativities, jewelry, necklaces, crosses for women and men, crucifixes, rosaries, pendants, statues and much more.
All of these gifts have been elegantly handcrafted by skilled and experienced craftsmen. The Christian artisans spare no details to give you a special and meaningful inspirational gift that always reminds you of the presence of God.